Friday, December 4, 2015

Blessings do come.

Looking through wedding photos the past couple days has really got me feelin all the feels. This picture was right before our "first look" when everything was "perfect" and we were so in love. Who knew that just a couple years later we would have had to face all of the trials we now have and do everyday? And who would have known that your heart can truly grow bigger, stronger, and much more fond of the one you are madly in love with? I never thought it would be possible to survive some of the heartaches we have faced, but I know for sure that without the support of my dear husband, loving Heavenly Father, and savior, Jesus Christ, I would be lost and alone. This life isn't always easy, and I pray daily that we will continue to be blessed for being faithful and doing all that thou wants us to do, even when our hearts hurt so bad we don't feel like we can move forward.
I am beyond grateful for our support system and the relationship I get to make stronger with Cody each and everyday. I love the gospel. I love my Heavenly Father and Savior. I love my friends and family. I would like to thank all of those who have been praying and fasting for us this last year. Even though we haven't been able to have children yet, we do continually feel everyone's love, support, and prayers. We are beyond blessed to know all of you. Please know that we think of you all often and pray that you will be blessed for the kind hearted souls that you are. Thank you & know we love each one of you! God is SO good.