Thursday, October 23, 2014

So much hope.

I'm sure that many people know a little bit of my past, and a few of the life changing events that I faced as a teenager. Things that weren't easy.
I struggled.
I failed.
I fought.

I had so much to live for, yet I couldn't see it. I wanted life to be over. I wanted my pain and afflictions to go away forever. I wanted HAPPINESS. And somehow could never find it.

I had one thing to hold on to. That one thing is Grace Anna Quesenberry. She was my light, my rock, my happiness, and my determined example.
We struggled through so many things together, and not once did she ever let me down. She was there to lift me up and encourage me, even through her darkest days. I could never thank her enough for her love and support. 

Grace, you are my best friend, and I will forever love you.

Check out this video on Vimeo to listen to a little inspiration from Grace. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014


For my first blog EVER, I figured I would post something I wrote awhile ago on FB so that I will always have it on here! This is something I wrote while trying to cope with some struggles I have been facing: 

I've been on this continuous struggle these last few years with others, especially ones that I love, letting their judgement and hatred get to me. Making me feel anxious, like I can't be myself around them. I have been trying to find ways to get over it, but it just doesn't feel right to be treated this way. 
Sooo... In return, I have been doing some studying, praying, and writing to try and counter these feelings and I would like to share it! :)
In Preach My Gospel it states, "Christlike attributes are gifts from God. They come as you use your agency righteously. Ask your Heavenly Father to bless you with these attributes, you cannot develop them without His help."
In the October 2012 general conference, Linda K Burton stated "Love your enemies. Bless those that curse you."
And Lastly, a poem that I wrote a couple years ago. Its called, "The More"
"The more positive I am, the less I complain.
The more challenges I am given, the stronger I become.
The more people I encounter, the more opportunities I have to serve.
The more I smile, the brighter my day.
The more I give, the more I get.
The more I ask, the more answers I am given.
The more I listen, the more I learn.
The more I convert myself to the gospel, the closer to God I become.
The more Christ-like I act, the more I am promised eternal life. 
The greatest gift.
Be "the more" to see what's in store. Because there is nothing greater than true happiness." :)
Through all of this, I have learned that I don't need anybody else to make me feel adequate in God's eyes. I have a loving, eternal companion, and the true gospel of Jesus Christ by my side through every step I take in this life.
I have a testimony that God loves us all. He wants us all to become as close to him in this life as we can. He wants us to outwardly express our love for others, just as Christ did, and continues to do for all of us. We make mistakes, we judge others, we become jealous, and we act so in an outward manner. That is not us. That is Satan. He wants us to feel inadequate. He wants us to crumble and fall. He doesn't want us to love others and to have eternal life. He is not on our side. 
Learn to love each and everyone of your family members. Love those around you, no matter how different. Every person has great qualities, but they are not all the same as others. Still love them. Let them know you love them. Act outward in a Christ-like manner so that people can feel Him through YOU.
Thank you to everyone who has shown me love, and been there for me in some of my hardest times. I continually strive to be better. Praying for mine enemies, even putting their names on the prayer roll in the temple. Trying all I can do to overcome these feelings. We all struggle, but with God, anything is possible.