Thursday, November 13, 2014

A peek into my tesimony.

This morning I have been feeling the need to share part of my testimony because I am beyond grateful to have the gospel in my life.
I KNOW that Christ lives. I know that He atoned for my sins, and ultimately, died so that I may live. I know that He sacrificed all that He had for me, and for every single human on this planet. I know that He loves me and knows me by name. I know that He is my Savior, and without him I am nothing. 
I know these things to be true, not because I was raised by an LDS family, but because I was lost, unhappy, and struggling and one point with everything in my life. The ONLY thing I ever found to actually help me, lift me up, and make me happy was the gospel of Jesus Christ. I went to other churches and tried to find different means of escape from this "evil" world through drugs, alcohol, or putting people down. Thinking it would make me happier. This world wasn't the evil I was facing, but the very things I had tied myself down to. The things I was doing. But it was all just fun and games, right?
Through gospel study, prayer, and listening to the words of missionaries and prophets of God, I was able to once again find TRUE happiness. I was able to be around my family and real friends. I was able to live a simple life that is healthy and uplifting. Through the atonement I was able to remember what great blessings come from choosing the right, servings others, paying my tithing, and fervent prayer that gave me an everlasting friendship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is the one and only true gospel upon the face of the Earth. Because I have prayed about it, asked to be shown the truth, done all I can to live by it's teachings, and have had unwavering faith that my Savior will always be there for me, even at my lowest points. I have had confirmation unlike anything I have ever felt before, that Christ is there for me, that he loves me, and that the church is true.
I know that the family is of God, and the most important thing we can ever have in our lives. I know that my family will always be there for me when I need them, and will love me unconditionally. I know that my family, especially my in-laws, were put here on this Earth so that I may know the meaning of everlasting love, friendship, and hard work. So that I may learn to love each of them individually for their strengths, personalities, and even their flaws.
I know that the power of prayer is undeniably one of the strongest, and most accessible tools that we have. We can use it however, whenever, where ever. We can use it to give thanks for all that we have, or to ask for strength in our weaknesses. We can ask for blessings upon other people, ourselves, and our prophet and leaders. We can use prayer to talk to our Heavenly Father when we are scared, and ask for protection, direction, and safety. Through prayer He can lessen our pains and afflictions, and hear the desires of our hearts, raw, unwavering or not. He, without a doubt, will ALWAYS be there for us.
I know that power of the priesthood can heal and bless all of those who seek its use, and those of whom use it to bless others. I have felt and seen it first hand. EX. When I got my tonsils out, I was sick for 3 weeks, lost 15 lbs, was in the worst pain of my life, and was unable to sleep. I asked for someone to please go and get my seminary teacher across the street from my house, at the high school, and tell him that I needed a blessing. Somehow, it happened to be his prep period and he was able to run over to my house. I told him that I was in so much pain, and that I just needed to sleep for a little while. I was bawling, curled up in a ball on the love sac, and begging for some help. He laid his hands upon my head and gave me a blessing. A blessing I would be forever grateful for, and remember to this day. He blessed me that I would be able to sleep, and that my pain would lessen greatly. He gave me a hug and told me he loved me. He told me to get some rest and that he would talk to me later when I was feeling better, then he went back to the school. I laid there still in pain thinking that I was in too much pain, how could that blessing ever help? Then I told myself, Jordan, maybe you should just have a little faith. As soon as I changed the way I was thinking, I was out. I woke up about 3 1/2 hours later to one of my friends sitting on the couch playing me songs on his guitar, and had brought me a huge box of chocolate creamies. (My favorite!) I told him about the blessing, and how I was so grateful that I was able to have the hand of the priesthood in my life, and to have so many priesthood holders that surrounded me each and every day.
 I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I have pondered and prayed about it. I have lived it, and know that it is the only path to true happiness. I know that it holds the power of God, and that it can perform miracles in the lives of each and every individual on this Earth, even those who have gone before us. There is power in the covenants we have made, and in the temples that are on the face of this Earth. In our temples, we can bless those who are deceased and those who are living, and more so, bless ourselves in doing this work. I know this to be true because I have been sealed to my best friend for time and all eternity in the House of the Lord, and have seen and felt its powers, first hand. Just as I continue to see them in my everyday life.
I love my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, my family, my friends, and most importantly, my trusted confidant, love of my life, and spouse, Cody James Anderson.
All of these things I love and know to be true.
And I say so in the name of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.


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